/* * * */ XAVIAN Medea / Mono&Stereo – XAVIAN

XAVIAN Medea / Mono&Stereo

„Medea’s ethos mirrors Barletta’s creed: fidelity to the source. The cabinets, free of superfluous design, prioritize acoustic integrity and are paired with one of the most interesting 21st‑century drivers—wielded without restraint to ensure that everything serves the whole, with no frequency clamoring for attention.

These speakers do not “enhance”—they reveal. In their presence, you hear not a product, but the culmination of Barletta’s obsession: a relentless pursuit of musicality, transparency, and the perfect union of the golden trinity of timbre, tone, and color. The Medea speaks music fluently, and the fatigue-free joyous impact lingers long after the listening has concluded.

Like a score stripped of interpretive ego, Medea strikes with a perfect musical balance, demanding the listener to engage with the music itself. These speakers are unflinching, uncompromising, and utterly vital in their presentation, with no artificial coloration and no need for coloration from amplifiers.

XAVIAN Medea is, as they say in French, “J’adore cette machine!” Mischievously musical, with a vibrancy akin to a living painting, these speakers represent potent building blocks for a top‑tier high‑end audio system for audio aficionados and music lovers.“

Celá recenze ZDE.

XAVIAN Medea / hi-fi+
XAVIAN Medea / HIGH&Style